Add verifiable COVID-19 vaccination information to Apple Wallet and Health

“You can now add your vaccination records to your Apple Wallet and Health App!”

Glenn Baruck, The eDot Family of Companies

Health experts continue to cite vaccinations as the key to the world pulling out of the current COVID-19 pandemic. Vaccinations and booster shots are now available in the US for adults, and vaccinations have been currently approved for children ages 5-18 as of last week!

With the expanding availability of vaccinations and the growing number of vaccinated people, many public places and venues now require proof of vaccination to enter or attend. In addition, if you travel internationally, you will need to have verifiable proof of vaccination. However, carrying around a vaccination card is not always the easiest thing or even possible, depending on the circumstances.

Good news, now there are a few ways to carry a verifiable digital vaccination card/record with you. One of them is to add it to your apple wallet and health app on your iPhone, and here’s how.

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